The Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), London
(4 – 11 Sept 2019)
What is the role of the contemporary artist in thinking about landscape and the environment in the early 21st century? Landlines at The Royal Geographical Society (with IGB) explores this question, showcasing fifteen artists working in or with landscape. Using a range of media, they hold the common goal of sharing their fascination with the environment.
As part of the Wilderness Art Collective, all the artists are committed to making work that celebrates the best aspects of our planet whilst offering insights into the challenges we face today through mass consumption, urban expansion and climate change. As artists they share messages of positivity and simultaneously question the choices we are making as global citizens and guardians.
Working in a range of media that reflects the debate around representation vs expression, the artists engage in all manner of practices. These include: long-distance walks; collecting pigments from remote places on the planet; epic cycle rides across entire countries or dangerous swims in British winter seas. Through their artworks, Landlines explores the outer limits of what it means to be working with the landscape as an artist today.